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Last login: 16 years ago
Skinner since: 18 years ago
Gender: Female
Age: 35

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PINKYZEL: If you take your eyes off your goals, all you see is obstacles.

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About Me

I'm far from what they called "perfect". I'm not pretty but I can say that I'm beautiful. I am very much supportive & understanding to my friends. If you're close to me, you can say that I'm fun to be with. I can color up your day if you allow me to. I help other people the best way I can. I hate perfect people, therefore I hate no one. I am clannish, I will defend the people who's close to me. I have a lit prob w/ my memory (malipaton q!in fact some of my friends used to call me "lola") that's why I easily forgot things unexpectedly and that's why I hate to memorize. I'd prefer to analyze than to it. Im a new version of sneezy in snowhite coz i used to sneeze maybe bcz my nose is sensitive. I love to dance coz it's my passion. I also love to see people smiling at me. I wake up & sleep early. I'm a certified member of the dragonz & the angels n dragonz society. what you've just read simply show who really am I, it may be affirmative or negative, that's simply the real me.

Life is indeed full of contradictions.
Sometimes it’s crazy to be sane.
You need to fall to fly.
People suffer because you care.
You have to unlearn to know the lesson.
You have to give up because you are strong.
You have to be wrong to make things right.
Nonetheless, life’s complexities are also life’s source of beauty.
We should cry to laugh again, fall apart to be whole again, and get hurt to love again.
Life itself is a mystery.

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